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Our mission is to create education that supports life.

The Earthbound Creation Story


Through years of experimenting with solutionary teaching and learning - we knew first-hand that learning can be dynamic, that students can be challenged to their very core, and that educators and students can not only learn together, but can change the world together.


After working as colleagues at Green School, Bali, we tested these notions by designing and running EARTHBOUND traveling semester. With 18 young people, we embarked on a 4-month adventure through Indonesia, Greece, Italy, and Morocco studying climate change stories through the theme of “The Rise and Fall of Civilizations Past and Present”.




Everyone involved was cracked open by the power of this immersive experience. This traveling micro-school was an ambitious dream, but the reality was more moving than we could have imagined. Everywhere Earthbound went, we found communities hungry for this kind of learning, eager to give youth a milieu to study and develop important life skills, and asking us for help in starting programs in their communities.

Through our holistic assets-based approach, we offer the following services:

  • Unique school framework creation

  • Custom course and program creation

  • Consultation and management of school-creation processes.

  • Online and in-person training and professional development

  • Student and teacher recruitment

  • Education for Sustainability workshops

  • Customized facilitation 

  • Feasibility and sustainability research and reports




We would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us and we will get right back to you.  

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A great way to get some immediate support on your project is to join our online community and crowdsource from the diverse ecosystem of EFS projects..  We host a forum where members can easily share projects, resources, and find support.  We also use this space to keep everyone aware of new courses and workshops. Please join us!  Click the image below to visit the forum and if you want to engage, sign in. Hope to see you there!


Calling all teachers, school builders, and education enthusiasts interested in designing curriculum and schools centered around sustainability! Join us in Italy this August.


© 2018 Earthbound

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