As we are designing our network, what would you like the membership to include?
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Consulting - Program and Course Creation - Workshops and Training - EFS School Network Support
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Consulting - Program and Course Creation - Workshops and Training - EFS School Network Support
hi there,
i would expect the network to
1. Accompany school founders in the pre-opening period, both in their personal and community journeys. at this stage it s about turning ideas, will, passion and different degrees of expertise into action. The network shall help founders to formalize their story, Vision, Principle and Learning curriculum by gathering/centralizing/sharing/discussing stories and methodological materials (checklist / timeline /...) . In addition to the feedback from local community, founders, need caring feedback also from peers experiencing or having experienced similar situation. How good my story is? What does it take to have a credible story? at what point and how i have people from my community on board? How to tell and decide what is to be taught.... We, founder need to feel a sense of belonging to a group we can resort to. "try out the story" to sharpen the confidence needed to embark the journey and have the community buying in and to demystify the resources gathering thing!
2. Accompany through the operation: all project have different stories, evolving through different cultural backgrounds. Having the possibility to consult peers, having the ability to call on a one time advisory board where difficulties, successes, best practices are shared and discussed. The gift of offering fresh pair of eyes and aired brains
Identity and a philosophy that is part of the brand with associated certification.
Continuous formation for educators and parents.
Specific training of educators, certified by the network and that allows the exercise of the functions in the schools of the network.
Curriculum orientation and certification guide for overall student development.
Facilitator of playful / pedagogical materials for parents and educators and children.
Online platform for communication and continuous development.
I would like the network to be an open sources place where exchange material, thoughts and reflections between the members. I would like it also to be a point of identity, like: "we are a group of people/experiences which agree on those principles and we are bringing in the world this vision of education through our actions" (Of course I would like also to clarify where every country/experiences has his differences and specific fields of flexibility, we don't want to be all equal, but it would give strength to things we have in common to make those very clear and also to clarify the margins of freedom). I have the feeling that we are here because we share somehow the aim to have a positive impact on the planet and this is why we need a network, otherwise we will be caring only of our little field / reality. This is why I think it would be vary meaningful if we get to create a meeting point or a bridge between different continent and between different approaches and way of thinking like the Anglo-Saxon and the European system are. Finding a union through differences can be a vary powerful point, especially if we can keep simplicity as a quality in the output. The impact we can have together it's bigger than the one we can have on our.
I'm also very interested in teacher training because we need to grow as educator if we want to improve as educational system and there are many tools that could improve the teacher ability much faster if shared between countries. It would be cool if we could spread in all our different countries a box of tool that we found to be efficient and which bring and share our identity also with others.
Recruitment, Training, Teachers-Students exchange programs, Branding, Storytelling, online platform, international events, magazine,
I think the network should offer a brand and services in teacher recruitment and training, content/curriculum creation, accreditation if needed, and students! (sales and mk)