As we are designing our network, what would you like the membership to include?
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Consulting - Program and Course Creation - Workshops and Training - EFS School Network Support

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Consulting - Program and Course Creation - Workshops and Training - EFS School Network Support
hi there,
i would expect the network to
1. Accompany school founders in the pre-opening period, both in their personal and community journeys. at this stage it s about turning ideas, will, passion and different degrees of expertise into action. The network shall help founders to formalize their story, Vision, Principle and Learning curriculum by gathering/centralizing/sharing/discussing stories and methodological materials (checklist / timeline /...) . In addition to the feedback from local community, founders, need caring feedback also from peers experiencing or having experienced similar situation. How good my story is? What does it take to have a credible story? at what point and how i have people from my community on board? How to tell and decide what is to be taught.... We, founder need to feel a sense of belonging to a group we can resort to. "try out the story" to sharpen the confidence needed to embark the journey and have the community buying in and to demystify the resources gathering thing!
2. Accompany through the operation: all project have different stories, evolving through different cultural backgrounds. Having the possibility to consult peers, having the ability to call on a one time advisory board where difficulties, successes, best practices are shared and discussed. The gift of offering fresh pair of eyes and aired brains